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Re: Up with Hummingbird Feeders!

Hi there,

I went up to Reston, VA over the weekend, and despite a nasty, nasty car accident (not mine) that closed Northbound I-95, I had a great time. No birding, except en route. But I had a really special birding moment, nonetheless.

I had been seeing lots and lots of Turkey Vultures, and as I was crossing the small bridge over the ???? river, about 50 miles South of DC, I glanced up and saw two more of them circling just over the tops of the trees on the banks. 

Traffic slowed for a fender bender up ahead, so I was able to take a closer look, and that's when I realized that I was not seeing a pair of Turkey Vultures at all. Rather, it was a pair of mature Bald Eagles, lazily circling over the river.

I think they must have been a mated pair, because they were very close together, but not showing any signs of agression toward one another. Of course just then the traffic started up again, and I had to reluctantly leave that magnificent sight behind.

I've never seen more than one mature Baldy at one time. Seeing the two of them together was really special. I've only seen Bald Eagles a few times, so every time it's still a great thrill. I wonder if they will someday be back to their vast numbers, when it was commonplace to see large flocks of them gathered on riverbanks. For now, they're still a rare treat. :-)

Raleigh, NC