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Re: Fish crows nesting in So. Durham?

There are several pair at Glenn Hilton Park in Hickory during the summer.
We think they are nesting, though we have not confirmed it.  They have only
been here for about two years now.

Dwayne & Lori Martin
Foothills Bird Club
Claremont, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Campbell <ncaves@utinet.net>
To: carolinabirds@acpub.duke.edu <carolinabirds@acpub.duke.edu>
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: Fish crows nesting in So. Durham?

>Sandy and all:
>No, it is not at all unusual to have Fish Crows in your area.  As long as
>there is some sort of water nearby, they could be expected in any part of
>the Piedmont.  I expect you are right that they are building close by.  My
>experiences last year down here are that they gather material only very
>near the nest (within 100 yds. or so).  They started nest-building about
>now too.  Try to follow them to their destination on a few trips.  I say
>this because otherwise you will not be able to find the nest (until perhaps
>when the nestlings begin audible begging).  For a relatively big bird that
>uses the tops of mature pines, the nests are virtually invisible from the
>ground.  I find that at only one angle can you see a portion of the nest.
>The nests are not large and bulky, as you might expect either. They appear
>just big enough to hold the nestlings and one adult.
>If you do find where they are building, please let me know.  I am curious
>how it would compare what I have found is true of Fish Crows in the
>Sandhills.   Also, please keep track of their activity.  We have very few
>documented nesting records in NC.
>Susan M. Campbell
>Whispering Pines, NC