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Blessed start to my day (long, sorry)

Morning all,

Okay, I'm sitting at my computer now and ready to share.  At 5:15 this 
morning  I woke up to the song of a titmouse.  This has been going on for 
close to 2 weeks.  He's built a nest in the bluebird house outside our 
bedroom window and is madly vocalizing his song of passion, (not other way to 
describe it), trying hard to entice a mate.  I went outside with my first cup 
of coffee around 5:45 at the beginning of daybreak.  All of the birds were 
singing in the trees, sparrows, chicadees, robins, cardinals, a lone 
mockingbird(also still alone), and of course, the titmouse.  Maybe his most 
impressive songs had helped to get everyone up and come for breakfast. There 
was also a few songs I didn't recognize right away. A robin flew down and 
landed within a few feet of my feet and cocked her head for a second, snagged 
out a worm and took flight. Humm, a breakfast worm for someone maybe?  Wow.  
This is the kind of morning that makes me look upwards and say Thank YOU.
After the usual mother routine I open the  blinds of the bedroom window and 
sit to watch the feeder and, yes, I had heard the nuthatch this morning.  I 
watched as the pair of nuthatches I watched looking for a nesting site a few 
weeks ago brought in their Jrs nosily fussing to show them the feeder and how 
to use it. Ahhh, the first babies of the year.  Wow, awesome.

Drove Donny to work pulled back into the driveway and there, in the birdbath 
sat the first fully yellow (or golden), goldfinch for this spring. Wow again, 
and again.  He was beautiful.  Then in flew a female gold finch and then a 
couple more males whom weren't  fully moted yet, but just about.  I haven't 
seen the goldfinches in a little over two weeks now. Then the whitethroated 
sparrows flew in.  And as I sat there in the car, I wished that I could 
record the sounds all around, or even be to explain the sounds that was all 
around me.  The songs, chirps, a squeel I don't recognize, blue jays 
hollering, it's like an invasion on every tree around me. A wren couple fly 
in, a brown thrasher couple just flew over the pool the chicadees are at the 
suet feeder along with the sparrows, goldfinches at the bath,. a male and 
female finch together at the seed feeder, Everyone is pairing up, wonderful.  
The cardinal couple come in with an extra male following behind, wondering if 
they are competing for the same lady.  The thistle feeder hanging on the 
dogwood is now covered by finches, yep there are back.  The dogwood tree 
needs mentioning, because it is in full bloom with the prettiest color I have 
ever seen, (this is only  the 2nd spring at this house, but I don't remember 
it being that color last year. It's almost a red but more salmon with the 
tips white. Also in bloom are the tulips, daffies, the azaleas are almost all 
in color, the pink and red is just now opening..

Okay, do I have a hummer yet.  Nahhh.  But yesterday I still had 3 junco 
under the feeders which, IMHO, is really strange for here.  And all of this 
morning was one of the best ways God could tell me, be patient.  And hey, 
it's still early 8*)


Cathy Green
cagreen@mindspring. com
N. Augusta, SC