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Re: chickadee fight

Sitting beside Lake Wylie several years ago, I heard a chickadee
"commotion".  When I turned to look two chickadees fell from a tree in a
vicious fight.  They rolled on the ground and into the lake where the bottom
bird immediately drowned.  The top Chickadee flew quickly and happily(?!?)
back to the tree.
    Because I was with students at a science camp, the drowned bird was
retrieved and dissected.  It was a female with an egg.     

At 05:45 AM 3/30/00 -0800, you wrote:
>As I was putting out seed this AM about 7:45, I heard
>chickadee commotion, which has been alot recently, but
>it sounded slightly different. I looked over to where
>I heard the sounds, which sounded more frantic and
>loud than normal, and Two chickadees were on the
>ground attacking one another rolling on the ground
>wrestling for at least 30 seconds/ I was on my way to
>break it up, and one flew off and the other chased it.
>Never heard of that before. I reckon a territory
>dispute? Or was it a very aggressive mating? Pretty
>Also is there a secret to telling La. waterthrush and
>yellow-throated warbler songs apart?
>Kate Finlayson
>N. Chatham Co.,N.C.
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Brenda Holloway 
Chapel Hill