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TOS Meeting


Just in case you're interested...

Subject: Cornell Ornithologist To Speak at TOS)

The Bristol Bird Club is thrilled to announce that
our speaker for the Tennessee Ornithological Society
Spring Meeting at Bristol, Virginia, May 5-6-7, is 
Dr. Charles R. Smith, ornithologist from Cornell
University, Ithica, NY.

Dr. Smith is a delightful speaker who weaves a great
deal of colorful entertainment about natural history,
birding on several continents, a scientific background,
and a look at conservation challenges of birds.

He is flying in on Friday in order to help lead a
Saturday field trip to Shady Valley, a high mountain
valley which is one of Tennessee's most interesting
birding areas.

He is a life member of the Tennessee Ornithological
Society, having grown up in Nortrheast Tennessee in
the 1960's and was the person who created the season
report format for our state journal, THE MIGRANT. He
served the journal as an assistant editor when he
was an undergraduate.  He was a member of the editoral
staff of the state journal when he was in high school.

Dr. Smith has been a member of the editoral borad of
the WILSON BULLENTIN, and was technical editor of 
THE LIVING BIRD which is the famous bird magazing
published by the Labratory of Ornithology at Cornell.

He was the education and communication director for
the Labratory of Ornithology at Cornell for many

He is accomplished in the study of mammals, ferns,
reptiles and amphibians, wildflowers, butterflies and
many other natural history subjects.  His experiences
with these nature subjects in the Southern Applachians
is remarkable.

This will be the first time he has spoken to the TOS
and he brings the rich tradition of having known our
Ganier, Goodpasture, Herndon, Ben & Lula, Parmer, 
Laskey, Tanner, Howell, Stupka and so many others of
our rich past.

He works on the cutting edge of ornithology and has
been a long-time leader of the New York Federation of
Bird Clubs.  He is recognized in ornithology for
having studied the manner in which pellets are created
in the digestion process of Barn Owls.

Dr. Smith has not only been published in scientific
journals but aslo popular articles on birds for BIRDER'S

He is served as the Northeast U.S. technical chair of 

He is well suited to be the speaker for this, the 50th
Anniversary Celebration of the Bristol Bird Club.

This is the first time the Bristol Bird Club has been
a host to a TOS spring meeting.  We are excited,
since it is our 50th Anniversary celebration.

Come enjoy the mountains, exciting field trips in
Southwest Virginia and the Bristol Bird Club celebration
at the TOS May 2000 meeting.

Wallace Coffey
Bristol, TN