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Mcalpine Sewage Treatment Plant, 4/2/00

Hello all,
Today we journeyed to the Mcalpine Sweage Treatment Plant in Pineville. Saw 
most of the usual species, no ducks except for mallards. Nesting Canada geese 
were very aggressive. Kildeers were numerous and got to the point of 
The more intersesting birds were-

3 Water Pipits- In breeding plumage

Barn Swallows - 5+

Northern Rough winged Swallows - 15+

Least Sandpiper - 1 along the cement edging. Walked within 15 feet of me and 
the spotting scope.

Goldfinchs in their bright yellow and black.

Bonapartes Gulls - 25+ _ All males had the black head and were quite active.

Good Birding,

Alan Kneidel 
Charlotte, NC