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Re: b&w warbler, weird-singing towhee

Len - I heard a towhee singing a warbler like song in
Montgomery county. I got excited and then... it was a
towhee. I let it go, but with all the postings, I
thought I better report it as well. Kate

--- Len/Esther Pardue <eljeep@mindspring.com> wrote:
> Mild, blustery weather brought some interesting
> birds to our yard in north
> Asheville today.
> A male Black-and-white Warbler foraged morning and
> afternoon around the
> house.  Two Red-breasted Nuthatches and a couple of
> Pine Siskins worked in
> the same big trees at the same time this afternoon.
> And then there was the male Eastern Towhee nearby,
> singing, repeatedly, a
> distinctly non-Towhee song.  It consists of about
> five notes and is very
> warbler-like.  It's been singing this tune since
> late winter, but now seems
> to be using it to claim territory or find a mate.
> All I can figure is that the bird aurally imprinted
> on the song of a
> neighbor's caged exotic bird (species unknown to me,
> but we heard it daily
> last year in warm weather, when windows and doors of
> our
> non-air-conditioned houses were open).  I'll dig out
> some references to
> look for information about wrong songs, but if any
> of you has run across
> info on that subject, pls let me know.
> Len Pardue, Asheville, NC

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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