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Goldfinch concentrations

At 02:34 PM 4/2/00 -0400, Josh Rose wrote:
>Along KoR Creek south of the heronry, I heard what sounded
>like a flock of over a hundred American Goldfinches, but could not see
>them to figure out why they were so concentrated; must have been a good
>food source over there somewhere.

I have seen huge concentrations of Goldfinches like this for the past few 
springs.  A hundred in a large deciduous tree.

When I've looked at them, they seem to be socializing more than eating -- 
flying back and  forth, making lots of noise, etc.  What are they 
doing?  Planning a mass orgy?  Talking about group selection issues?  I 
don't know.

However, I personally don't remember seeing these concentrations *in the 
old days.*  Five years ago?  Yes.  Ten years ago?  I don't think so.  I 
wonder if there is a correlation with the amount of thistle (niger) seed 
being available at bird feeding stations.  Hmm!

Norman Budnitz 	919-684-3592 (day)
nbudnitz@duke.edu 	919-383-0553 (eve)
			919-684-6168 (fax)

(work)	Department of Zoology, Duke University
	Box 90325, Durham NC 27708-0325
(home)	4115 Garrett Drive, Durham NC 27705-8005

PROGRESS: the victory of laughter over dogma.
(Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas)