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Must-see Bird


Just back from the OBX and seeing the Ravishing Rufous Ruff.  Well worth
the trip.

  Having only ever seen dull-plumaged females (reeves) in the Fall,
(Austria, and Zellwood, Fla. for the ABA list), I was wondering if I'd
be able to pick him up amongst all the other shorebirds in Bodie
Lighthouse Pond, (Dunlins, some of whom are getting their breeding
colors, Yellowlegs and Dowitchers).  Well, while peering through the
scope in the area mentioned, the NW corner, what should walk into my
view, but this stunning bird.  No doubt now.

  It does not seem to have the "ruff", but the colors are so strong a
rufous, with these big splotchy spots with a bit of black  continuing to
the lower underbelly which is white.

  I have searched all my books including the one mentioned in previous
postings.  The rufous phase of  the female and male are depicted in the
Handbook of the Birds of the World, Vol. 3.  (Why did they name these
extremely huge, heavy volumes 'Handbook'?  I use them to flatten
rolled-up bird prints I'm going to frame.   But every once in a while
they come in handy, and they are beautifully done books.)  The spots of
the reeve are nothing like the spots of the ruff.  Take away the ruff of
the ruff, and the picture is about what this bird looks like.  It does
have white on the face and its legs were a pinky-yellow.

 The wind was extremely strong (50 mph, I was told), on Wed.,  Apr. 5,
between noon and 12:30, the sun bright.  The back feathers ruffled (I am
not talking about THE ruff) just like they are supposed to, which one
would say in that wind how could they but help it; but looking around at
the other shorebirds,  I didn't notice that distinctive fluttery
movement of feathers among any of the others.

Please excuse by excessive gushing, but you birders will understand.  I
LOVE this bird!!!

Now I get home and find out I could have added Yellow-headed Blackbird
to the NC list,  Thank you John, I think.  Anybody want to take up a
collection for a lap-top for this lady?

The pond is at the end of a little (repaired since the hurricane),
boardwalk beyond the grassy area surrounding the lighthouse and to the
left.  This is north of the Oregon Inlet Bridge.

Oh, well, Good Birding Everyone,
Mary McDavit, osprey@nccoast.net   Sunset Beach NC