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Musings and a new yard bird

Have you ever stopped to contemplate how the path your life takes is
affected by events that occur and the choices you make in response to
these occurrences?  Are they random events or does one control the
outcome based on decisions one makes?  [O.K., I admit I am being
influenced by the latest X-Files episode...]

So, I was late to work this morning, dealing with a flat tire.  I
noticed the flat when I was still in my driveway, so it wasn't that
bad.  As a result of being late, I was able to hear and finally locate a
new yard bird for me- a Swainson's Thrush.  It was thrilling.  In
searching for the bird, I was able to appreciate  the current regulars:
goldfinches, cardinals, chickadees, titmice, an ovenbird, towhees,
white-throated sparrows, yellow-throated warblers, black and white
warbler, pine warblers, a few pine siskens.  I happened to accidentally
flush two Canada geese from a neighboring pond as well.  So, I have to
go to Chapel Hill Tire to leave the flat tire for repair.  On my way, I
go a back road, not my normally traveled route to work, where I see
more- turkey vultures, a red-tailed hawk, crows, other birds flitting
across the road.  Since it was nearby, I decided to stop by the teller
machine to get cash.  I heard a killdeer- no, make that a mockingbird
doing a very fine killdeer imitation.  So, I'm late enough and figure I
might as well stop at Expresso to Go to get coffee.  As I'm waiting, I
glance in the small field to the left and see a killdeer, a starling,
and a house finch.  Time to head to work.  As I drive down Smith Level
Road, I accidentally spill coffee.  It causes me to slow down.  As I
look up a see a great blue heron flying up from Morgan Creek as it
passes under the bottom of the hill on Smith Level.

I know this is a birdy time of year, but I probably saw more birds than
I might have if I had planned to go out to actually look for birds.
Life is good... and bad.  And I'm glad my boss isn't into birds and
doesn't subscribe to carolinabirds ;-).

Marsha Stephens
Computer & Network Support Services
FPG Child Development Center
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
(919) 966-4183