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I took a ride through a corner of the Pisgah Forest on my way to work this
morning (not the most efficient way to get from Hendersonville to Asheville,
but the most interesting at this time of year) to check on what warblers had
returned.  Heard lots of Black-throated Green and Black and White as well as
about five La Waterthrush and a bunch of Parula.  Those are the usual early
arrivals.  Also had some early Black-throated Blue and Hooded as well as
Blue-headed and Red-eyed Vireo.  I was hoping for Worm-eating and Ovenbird, but
I guess they're not back yet or they just weren't singing when I drove by. 
This road is very good for warblers from now through May and this was just the
tip of the iceberg.  
	If you are interested in taking this road drive up North Mills River
Road off 280/191 until you reach the Mills River campground, then turn right
and follow this road to the top of the mountain.  If you take the right fork
here it takes you onto the Blue Ridge Parkway and if you take the left fork it
goes down into the Bent Creek Experimental Forest and by the NC Arboretum and
dead ends at 191 near Biltmore Square Mall.  It's a gravel road with few cars
(at this time of year) and quite a few turn-offs where there are camp sites. 
There are also hiking trails that cross it.
	By the way, the La Waterthrush were all on the Mills River side of the
mountain, but I have also heard La Waterthrush at Bent Creek in the Arboretum.
Also by the way, if you do not turn right at the Mills River Campground, but go
straight instead you will end up (eventually) on 276 at the Pink Beds in
Transylvania County.  Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville, NC  
                      email: mjwestphal@unca.edu