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Re: Few's Ford on the Eno; a few questions and parking fee info

In a message dated 4/17/00 4:07:25 PM, jsr6@duke.edu writes:

<< Question 2: Anyone gone looking for the Jordan Lake Oystercatcher since 
it was reported on Saturday? I might just take a quick trip down there if 
it hasn't disappeared yet... >>

Josh and All,
       Lee Van Malssen and I looked for the Oystercatcher around 9:45AM on 
Sunday.  We didn't see it at Crosswinds Marina, but did see the other birds 
Will Cook wrote about.  Less Caspian Terns were present, maybe about 15, but 
more Bonapartes.  The Herring Gull was there also, along with 2 Mallards.  
      We then went over to Ebeneezer for a very short while, and saw more 
Caspian Terns and Gulls.  Heard lots of singing in the woods across the 
parking lot but didn't have time to explore.  
      One thing I did find out, maybe all of you already know this, but at 
the Jordan Lake Recreation Areas, the $4.00 entrance fee is refundable if you 
leave the area within 30 minutes.  That's what we did Sun. We almost didn't 
make the thirty minute deadline, though I told the woman at the entrance 
we'de be 15 minutes tops.  Time sure flies when you're birding,

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC