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no oystercatcher

Josh R. queried:

>Question 2: Anyone gone looking for the Jordan Lake Oystercatcher since it 
>was reported on Saturday?

Didn't see the bird Sun. am. nor did 4 others I ran into (surprised there 
weren't MORE out looking), including Ricky Davis who had checked out some 
other areas of Jordan as well just in case it had moved.

Still a nice group of Caspian terns at marina, and best sight of day (id'd 
by Ricky) were 9 Common Loons flying over the Big Woods Bridge area 
(...well, actually, 2nd best sight of day, since in late afternoon I watched 
my Bolin Creek Greenway Pileated forage for half an hour!).

**Rob Gluck     Chapel Hill    thrush@hotmail.com
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