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Swainson's Warbler at Raven Rock State Park

This morning I found a Swainson's Warbler in Raven Rock State Park, in
the same location where one has been present the previous couple of
years.  In the past I've fallen short of actually getting the bird into
view, but today it was almost easy, as the bird was barely off the
trail.  I also had the satisfaction of watching the bird sing in front
of me while a Louisiana Waterthrush sang behind me.  For Triangle-based
birders, this is the closest location I know of where Swainson's may be
dependable, at least while this one male lives.  Follow the Little Creek
trail down to where it joins (or becomes) the trail between the Canoe
Camp and Group Camp.  Turn to the right and cross the footbridge over
the creek.  Around 100 yards or so past the footbridge is a good place
to listen for this bird, as well as for Kentucky Warblers.

Other birds in the park included Broad-winged Hawk calling overhead,
Great-crested Flycatcher, Acadian Flycatcher, Wood Thrush, abundant
Hooded Warblers, several Kentucky Warblers (one seen), both Summer
Tanager and Scarlet Tanager, and Indigo Bunting.

Kent Fiala
Raleigh NC