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Stagecoach Road

Stopped by the Stagecoach Road impoundment (SW Durham County, NC) for a
brief spell this AM.  Had singing Redstarts, Yellow-throated Warblers,
Common Yellowthroats, Northern Parulas, Ovenbirds, and a beautiful [1]
singing male Prothonotary Warbler, found after intrepidly [2] wading
through the poison-ivy and muck back into the swamp.  Also had two
Spotted Sandpipers, Indigo Bunting, and a peculiar Northern Parula -
foraging(?)/searching for nesting material(?) within a foot of the
ground in the low sweetgums by the dyke.  I had just never seen one
doing his C. Yellowthroat impression before...was by far the best look
I've ever had at a Parula.

And now to work :-(.

Happy Birding!


[1] - is there any other kind?

[2] - intrepidly == outlandishly stupidly

Sandy Cash
Durham, NC