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Stagecoach Road

Shantanu Phukan and I birded the old railroad grade heading south from
the E. end of Stagecoach Road (SW Durham, NC).  This is the same grade
which eventually crosses the powerline cut at Old Hope Valley Farm Rd.
We didn't get that far down (although I intend to when I have more time
to do a Will Cook signature bushwhack trek), and there were not a great
number of species.  There were scads and scads of N. PARULAS, a couple
of OVENBIRDS, and I heard my first WHITE-EYED VIREO of the year.  We
also saw and E. Box Turtle and a Falcate Orangetip, a new butterfly for
me (I now have all of three species on my list, woo-hoo).

Happy Birding,


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC