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Last Friday we went to Alan DeHart's property known as the Franklin Co.
Botanical Preserve. It is 4 1/2 miles north of hwy. 98 intersection on hwy.
401 below Louisburg. It is 88 acres of native plants, most labeled, with a
lake, swamp area, woods, brushy fields. There is also a powerline cut as
part of a trail. We went in the afternoon to enjoy the wildflowers.
Birdwise, we got great long close looks at a Summer Tanager and Hooded
Warbler. Heard Worm-eating and a few vireos, etc. Saw about a hundred
Carolina Satyrs, and only one Gemmed. At other seasons this should be a
good place for butterflies. Josh and Randy, there were MANY dragonflies,
lots of varieties. Pink and yellow ladyslippers were profuse. This is open
to public sunrise to sunset with a nice parking area and maps in a gazebo.
On Sunday we went to our favorite canoe/birding  spot, Atkinson's Mill Pond
on Hwy 42 in Johnston Co. near the hwy. 96 intersection. The Cuckoos were
not in yet (they can be numerous) but the Prothonotarys were everywhere. We
have seen otters and beavers here, but not Sunday. We did hear 2 Barred
Owls having a conversation, and saw a Gnatcatcher on its nest. Also a pair
of La. Waterthrushes. Plus the usual nesters. Our list here is about 70
species, including Swainson's Warbler twice. It is a beautiful place, and
quiet large so it takes about 2 hours to paddle around it. Highly recommend
it to anyone with a canoe or fishing boat. It is on the Little River .
On Saturday we went out to Yates Mill Pond which has finally been repaired
and is full of water. Hardly a bird anywhere.
Gail Lankford