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re: snakes and birds

Fellow Birders,
I was dismayed to read the posting regarding using the insecticide RAID on 
the rat snake in the bluebird box, although not surprised.  As a park 
ranger, I do my best to try to educate people on the importance of all 
wildlife, including snakes, and their role in the complex web of life.  
Sometimes, with knowledge comes understanding and perhaps a new respect for 
the creatures many people despise or fear.   It is my hope that the person 
who posted the RAID info will reconsider after reading responses and 
appreciate or at least accept the black snake just being a black snake and 
doing what he or she has to do to survive.  More wildlife (i.e. a hawk 
feeding its young with a RAID laden snake) could be affected also.  There 
are other, better methods for predator protection.

Well, enough preaching.  I just wanted to let birders know that almost every 
Saturday at 8:30a.m. we(meaning usually Edith Tatum or myself) lead 
birdwatching walks at Eno River State Park.  It is a wonderful place to go 
birding.  This morning on the walk, we had 37 species(either seen or heard), 
including 2 comorants flying over, N. Harriers, blue grosbeaks, indigo 
buntings, great-creasted flycatcher, scarlet tanager, prairie warblers, c. 
If you're interested in coming out for these walks, contact the park office 
at (919)383-1686 to register and for directions, more info.  Must register.  
Space limited to 15.
Hope to see you out here.

Lori Marlow
Durham, NC

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