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new pond bird

On my weekly check of "my" pond I spotted a white blob in a tree and got
close enough to see that it was an egret.  The horse I ride doesnot
understand the neccessity of being still so I hopped off and it was a Snowy
Egret.  Its gold feet clasped on the branch.  It's bill wasn't real black so
I wonder if it was a young one.  Also had 8 Dble crested corms on the pond
which is a high.  2 Green Herons also flew over.  Heard a White eyed Vireo.
Only 3 goose goslings although I saw what looked like an abandoned egg in
the middle of the island.  Still alot of active nesting.  Do females who
multiple nest eat the old egg shells?  I wonder as my egg shells in the yard
don't seem to go fast.  Is there any science to feeding the eggshells?
I have had 2 flocks of cedar waxwings last week in Hillsborough.
Pond is in NE Orange Co.

barb brooks