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RE: a last word

I am embarrassed and ashamed at your treatment re: this affair, as all of us
Carolinabirders should be.  I agreed wholeheartedly with your sentiment and
tone on the issue, and felt that you had said it well enough that I didn't
need to stick my $0.02 in.

Please accept my abject apology to you on behalf of this deviant.  Joe
Fisher is NOT one of us! The Carolinabirds listowner should trash him from
our list. His behavior is OUTRAGEOUSLY UNACCEPTABLE!

Tom "proud to be a human?" Lorenzin
Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
SkyTomX@XDellNet.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
(remove Xs to use addresses)
Deep in each cynic
there lies a frustrated saint
a foiled idealist
Visit me at:

-----Original Message-----
From: carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu
[mailto:carolinabirds-owner@acpub.duke.edu]On Behalf Of shantanu phukan
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 09:22
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject: a last word

Dear Members of the carolina-birds listserve:
	I promise that I will drop this tiresome thread after this since
there are more pleasant things to discuss  as the spring migrants
stream through; but I am a little sore at the tone of one of the
messages I have received in reference to the 'commie phobia' and I
think that the rest of you should see it. So I am pasting it below:

Shantanu Phukan

Go on home if you don't like our humor. "Mindless Commie bashing", my
If you are a Communist, or Communist sympathizer, we don't need your
around. I spent a good part of my 78+ years fighting first the Nazis
and then
the Commies. If you don't like the U.S., get out! If you do, Shut Up!

Joe Fisher