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Re: a last word

Mr. Phukan:

If you indeed wished, as you say, to "drop this tiresome thread" (which
incidently, you started) why then did you see fit to make this post?  Why
did you include the text of a private e-mail?  I see no other reason than to
embaress Mr. Fisher, the author of the private e-mail, and thus to posture
yourself as the reasonable and intellectually superior academic.  You seem
intent on inflaming the situation.  Are you perhaps intentionally doing a
bit of "baiting" yourself?  What is your agenda?  Just being self-rightously
politically correct?  If so.... you failed.

I suspect you are not sensitive to certain nuances of American culture.
Being a foreigner (I assume) this is understandable.  Try being a bit more
aware of the culture you are living in.  Veterans, and particularly combat
veterans (and I am proudly one!), tend to remember more vividly, and take
very personally, the conflicts their nation has been involved in.  The
struggle against communism - be it right, wrong, or indifferent - has cost
America many valuable and precious lives and been a predominate aspect of
American politics and culture for half a century.

If you dont approve - and that is your right in THIS country - you can
continue to knee-jerk react to what you will; but, dont be surprised at the
reactions you receive.  Learn where, and when, and how to be outspoken and
effect change or disapproval.. but most of all learn to be honest in what
you say and how you say it.

My apologies to the rest of the Carolinabirds subscribers.  I originally
responded to Mr. Phukan's infammatory posting because of what I considered
an egregrious abuse of netiquitte (that is the posting of private e-mail)
and.  I am sure, in the opinion of many, that I have gotten carried away and
done similar insult to the charter of this group.  I really am sorry and I
now recede back to my normal lurking status.

Jack McLain
Durham, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: shantanu phukan <phukan@email.unc.edu>
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Date: Monday, May 01, 2000 9:21 AM
Subject: a last word

>Dear Members of the carolina-birds listserve:
> I promise that I will drop this tiresome thread after this since
>there are more pleasant things to discuss  as the spring migrants
>stream through; but I am a little sore at the tone of one of the
>messages I have received in reference to the 'commie phobia' and I
>think that the rest of you should see it. So I am pasting it below:
>Shantanu Phukan
>Go on home if you don't like our humor. "Mindless Commie bashing", my
>If you are a Communist, or Communist sympathizer, we don't need your
>around. I spent a good part of my 78+ years fighting first the Nazis
>and then
>the Commies. If you don't like the U.S., get out! If you do, Shut Up!
>Joe Fisher