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Caw Caw Bird Walk

Carolina Birders,
     The regular Wednesday morning Bird Walk at Caw Caw Interpretive
Center, Ravenel, SC, (http://www.Ccprc.com/cawcaw.htm) was led by Perry
E.  Nugent on May 3, 2000.  There were 65 species observed.

     *****  Please notice that we have gone to a one hour earlier summer
schedule beginning the Bird Walk at 8:30 on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
The gate opens at 8:00 A.M.  *****

Cormorant, Double-crested, 2
Anhinga, 3
Heron, Great Blue, 4
Egret, Great, 8
Egret, Snowy, 15
Heron, Little Blue, 4
Heron, Tri-colored, 8
Heron, Green, 2
Duck, Wood, 5
Kite, Swallow-tailed, 4
Vulture, Black, 3
Vulture, Turkey 6
Osprey, 1
Hawk, Red-shouldered, 3
Rail, Clapper, 8
Kildeer, 4
Yellowlegs, Greater, 4
Yellowlegs, Lesser, 1
Sandpiper, Solitary, 7
Sandpiper, Least, 10
Gull, Laughing, 12
Dove, Mourning, 5
Cuckoo, Yellow-billed, 8
Swift, Chimney, 4
Hummingbird, Ruby-throated, 2
Woodpecker, Red-bellied, 2
Woodpecker, Downy, 1
Woodpecker, Piliated, 2
Wood-pewee, Eastern, 2
Flycatcher, Acadian, 2
Flycatcher, Great-crested, 6
Martin, Purple, 1
Swallow, Tree, 50
Swallow, Barn 25
Jay, Blue 3
Crow, Fish, 4
Crow, American, 10
Chickadee, Carolina, 15
Titmouse, Tufted, 7
Wren, Carolina, 3
Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 30
Bluebird, Eastern, 2
Thrush, Wood, 1
Mockingbird, Northern, 3
Thrasher, Brown, 2
Vireo, White-eyed, 2
Vireo, Red-eyed, 25
Warbler, Northern Parula, 25
Warbler, Yellow-throated, 2
Warbler, Pine, 1
Warbler, Prothonotary, 5
Yellowthroat, Northern, 6
Tanager, Summer, 4
Cardinal, Northern, 6
Bunting, Indigo, 8
Bunting, Painted, 4
Sparrow, Swamp, 1
Bobolink, 4
Blackbird, Red-winged, 150
Grackle, Boat-tailed, 30
Grackle, Common, 10
Cowbird, Brown-headed, 5
Oriole, Orchard, 3
Goldfinch, American, 1

George Crumley
Charleston, SC