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The Rabid Robin

Does anyone have Robins on the nest yet?  I can't wait until the one in our
backyard settles down to raise a brood.  I'll tell ya why.

We have a Robin in our back yard that the neighborhood has named The Rabid
Robin.  Since March, this Robin has dominated our part of the neighborhood
vanquishing any threats to his territoty,  His rivals mainly consisted of
his own reflection in the side view mirrors of cars.  It's quite comical to
watch the Robin fighting with the image in the mirror, hop away, and then
make a surprise attack.  However, the down side to his antics is when he
perches on the mirror and poops--resulting in guano all over the side of
the car door.

Our solution is to tie plastic bags on to the side view mirrors.  It was
quite a scene to drive down the street and see plastic bags tied to the
half-dozen cars parked on the street in our part of the neighborhood.
Well, the neighbors were all been able to quit the practice about a month
ago.  We have to continue, since we park off the street in back of our
house.  This is the Robin' s main territory.  If we slip up and don't put
the bags on--even for five or ten minutes--he gets the car.  He makes an
incredible mess; what with all the berries he's eating.  My vehicles have
had countless baths this spring.

He nested last year and quit after a while, but this year it seems to have
gone on longer.  Perhaps he hasn't found a mate yet.  Our patience is
wearing thin; I never thought I would dislike a Robin, but this little guy
is getting to me.

Anyway,  let me know if your Robins have nested and pray that mine finds a
mate soon!

Bobbie Collins-Perry
Durham, NC