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Heronry found during Chapel Hill Bird Count

Today Alan Johnson and I counted the area Farrington Road near Jordan Lake. 
We saw several Great Blue Heron's flying with sticks in their beaks.  We 
decided to go back and investigate an area that Alan thought was likely for 
Heron's to nest.  We discovered 18 nest with 8 active. Each active nest held 
2 - 4 immature Herons ranging from those ready to fledge to young still with 
some down. 20 young and 10 adults were present. We stayed in one spot so as 
to not distress the birds.  I would assume that there are some nests out of 
our view.
For those of you who would like directions, here's the only way I know how to 
get there. Take I-40 to highway 54 and turn going toward Chapel Hill.  At the 
first light, turn left.  This is Farrington Road (next to Hardee's).  The 
second left is Farringtom Mill Road, continue to the end of this road and it 
become Farrington Road again.
Turn left and continue until electrical power towers cross the road. Pull 
left into a turnoff at the towers.  Walk the path under the wires to where 
cables and post block the way.  Go right into the forest, this is where we 
discovered a Swainsons Thrush, until you find Army Corps of Engineers and 
Wildlife Service orange blazes on the trees. Alan and I counted 29 blazes 
until we turned down hill following plowed furrows gone fallow. It's only 
about 100 yards to the heronry from there. I think this is in Chatam County 
not Orange.

Edith Tatum 
Durham, NC