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Ramblings from Sunday birding in s. SC

Hi folks,

I was playing hookey from Ovenbird patrol this morning (having found another 
nest yesterday and a few sets of fledglings up to 4 days old).

I headed down to Jackson for some mid morning river birding. State birds for 
me were the following:

Little Blue Heron (1)
Miss. Kite (1)
Northern rough-winged Swallow
Painted Bunting (3)

And I enjoyed the MANY Kentuckies, P. citrina, Parulas and other common 
warblers. The local subspecies of Common Yellowthroat do look a bit 
different from the ones up in MA. They sound a little different too. I have 
yet to get good looks at Swainsons WA for this state (Congaree, here I 
come). I also had another B-t Blue. This time a female.

Last week I stated that I had "a singing Alder Flycatcher (in the 
forest)"... I meant Acadian... What the heck. They both start with "A". 
Birding dyslexia

Paul Champlin
Aiken, SC
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