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Bermuda Petrel and Carolina trip

I have posted details on the Bermuda Petrel we saw out of Oregon Inlet
on 2 June.  See:


If anybody has photos of this bird that they would be willing to
contribute, I'd be happy to scan and post them.  A Bermuda Petrel was
also reported in this area the next day on the FONT tour.  I think it
would be very interesting to compare photos of the bird on the FONT
tour, our bird, and photos taken of the Bermuda Petrel the weekend

Brian Patteson seemed to think that the bird we saw was the same as
the bird the weekend before, but Butch Pearce thought they might be
different.  Our bird was molting, so photos might help resolve this
question.  How many Bermuda Petrels are out there anyway?  Are we all
seeing the same individual?

I'd like to thank all those who gave advice helping us prepare for our
Carolina trip.  Robbie Fischer wrote trip reports at:

http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~siler/chat/chat3.html#7  and

The mention of singing "Baltimore Orioles" at Williamston has been
questioned.  Actually we saw many Orchard Orioles in the area.  The
one supposed Baltimore was an older female type, or young male with
dusky mottling over the face and throat, quite different from the
neatly bibbed first year male Orchards.  However the bird was
decidedly yellow, not orange as in Baltimore Orioles I've seen
elsewhere, so it is likely this sighting was in error.  

Joseph Morlan, Pacifica, CA 94044: mailto:jmorlan@ccsf.cc.ca.us 
Fall Birding Classes begin Sept 5: http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~jmorlan/
California Bird Records Committee: http://www.wfo-cbrc.org/cbrc/