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H.B.S.P. on June 20

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning Bob Maxwell, and I birded at Huntington Beach S.P. Murrells
Inlet, Georgetown County, SC. For a while we joined Phil Turner and a
Kansas birder. The day was mostly cloudy, in the 80's, humid with light
winds. We birded the causeway, overflow campground and carriage path from
9AM to 11:15AM. 32 species were found

Double-crested Cormorant-8
Great Blue Heron-1
Great Egret-8
Snowy Egret-5
Little Blue Heron-1
Tricolored Heron-3
Green Heron-10
White Ibis-14
Glossy Ibis-1
Turkey Vulture-1
Red-shouldered Hawk-1
Common Moorhen-2
NO SHOREBIRDS at the causeway or crabbers dock even  though it was low tide
Laughing Gull-2
Royal Tern-2
Mourning Dove-3
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-3
Ruby-throated Hummingbird-1
Blue Jay-2
Fish Crow-1 heard only
Carolina Chickadee-1 heard only
Tufted Titmouse-2 heard only
N. Mockingbird-6
Brown Thrasher-1
White-eyed Vireo-2 heard only
N. Cardinal-7
Indigo Bunting-2 heard only
Painted Bunting-5 4 singing males and a female
E. Towhee-1 heard only
Red-winged Blackbird-5
Boat-tailed Grackle-3
Orchard Oriole-3 females or immatures

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC