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peregrines at devil's courthouse

At mid-morning today, Esther and I saw two and possibly four Peregrine
Falcons at Devil's Courthouse on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

One was at the nest site.  I might have seen a second in the crevice behind
the nest (the light was poor).  A third bird was perched in a notch on the
edge of the rock face (and flew off or moved out of view).  We also saw a
Peregrine fly over us as we walked the trail to the overlook.

All this suggests that one or more of the young have left the nest.

During our visit there, a Crossbill or two flew over, and we heard or saw
Veery (2-3), Winter Wren (2-3), Golden-crowned Kinglet (2-4), Red-breasted
Nuthatch (1) and Black-throated Green Warbler (1).

We also stopped by the parking area at the Black Balsam Knob trailhead and
found one Alder Flycatcher, on the trail east of the restrooms, and 3-4
Common Yellowthroat.

Len Pardue, Asheville, NC