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Interesting birds

     Thursday and Friday a flock of crows was using the main campus at 
Methodist as its playground.  I listened to the crows both days.  On 
Thursday I decided that they were either juvenile Americans or were 
fish crows.   Friday I was out more than I had been the day before. 
At least one of those birds was clearly a fish crow.  This morning, 
while doing yard work, I could hear a flock of fish crows in the 
distance.   From my house to campus is less than a mile, so I may 
have been hearing the same birds that I had seen and heard on campus.
     I don't see many house sparrows in my yard although there are 
plenty of them on campus.  One, an adult male, showed up this 
afternoon.  That's only my fifth yard sighting for the year.
     Late this afternoon I saw something small flitting through the 
trees on the south edge of the yard.  I grabbed my binocs and looked. 
It was a b-g gnatcatcher, a new entrant for my yard list.

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu