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HPSP on 7-31

On Monday I birded the causeway and the Saltmarsh Boardwalk.  Both sites were 
very productive. I did not go to the jetty ponds.  I attempted to bird the 
Sandpiper Trail, but was largely unsuccessful. There were few shorebirds 
until the late afternoon, when small flocks of SB Dowitchers, S-P Plovers, 
and Least Sandpipers showed up.  Bird's seen were

Brown Pelican-3
Great Egret-10
Snowy Egret-14
Great Blue Heron-2
Little Blue Heron-2 immature
Tricolored Heron-7
Green Heron-3
Black-Crowned Nightheron-1 immature
White Ibis-5 adults, 8 immature, various stages
Wood Stork-5  (I may have seen 1 individual several times throughout the day. 
If so, the total was really only 3, which I saw together in the afternoon.)
Clapper Rail-1 adult, 5 chicks
Short-Billed Dowitcher-25
Whimbrel-1 flyby
Semi-Palmated Plover-11
Least Sandpiper-7
Laughing Gull-many
Least Tern-6
Common Tern-1
Black Skimmer-1
Mourning Dove-5
Woodpecker sp. (my eyeglasses fogged up and bird flew off before I could ID)-1
Barn Swallows-5
Northern Mockingbird-5
Carolina Chickadee-several heard
warblers-several heard (foliage too dense for ID)
Painted Bunting-1 heard only
Northern Cardinal-15
Boat-Tailed Grackle-14