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SC Lowcontry Birds 8/6/00

Besides the usual suspects:
Onslow Island (GA)
  Glossy Ibis
  Semipalmated Plover
  Semipalmated Sandpiper
  Short billed Dowitcher
  Long-Billed Dowitcher??- 2 birds definitely dowitchers.  The red/orange
underbelly color (darker than the other birds) clearly extended to
underneath the tail and faded with out turning white.  Other dowitchers in
the area had white under the tail and belly.  I never got a vocalization out
of these birds.  Were these LB Dowitchers or was I confused by some SB
  Stilt Sandpipers-numerous
  Pectoral Sandpipers
  Least Sandpipers

Savannah NWR
  Purple Gallinule
  Least Bittern
  M Kite-  100+
  ST Kite-  30+

Bear Island
  Barn, Bank, RW and Tree Swallows
  Common Ground Dove
  Black Tern
  Mottled Duck
  Wood Stork

Backyard (Charleston, SC) flying overhead
  M Kite-2
  Wood Stork-5

Mike Bernard