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Hummingbird Mornings #1 (results)

HI . . .

We had a great time this past weekend for "The Original Hummingbird 
Mornings" #1 at Allison Woods in Statesville NC. As planned, we 
caught at least one Ruby-throated Hummingbird for each of the four 
public presentations, so every attendee go to see how the banding and 
color-marking process works.

In all, 280 people attended--half of those for the 10:30 am session 
on Saturday. Allison Woods is a relatively new nature center, and 
this is the largest crowd they've ever had for an event.

All birds banded at Allison Woods were color-marked with non-toxic 
dye forming a BLUE "necklace." (RTHUs banded here at Hilton Pond 
Center for Piedmont Natural History in York SC all get bright GREEN 

Several subscribers to CarolinaBirds were on hand for one or more of 
the presentations, so it was good to meet all of them and to finally 
put faces with names that I know from listserv postings. Special 
thanks go to Marianne Murphy, Allison Woods environmental educator, 
who maintained the feeders all season and ran the hummingbird traps 
for the public sessions.

Information about "Hummingbird Mornings" #2 at Stacy's Greenhouses in 
York SC (11-12 August) will be posted in a later message.

Best wishes,


P.S. I'll be banding hummingbirds during public presentations the 
first three weekends in August at Allison Woods (Statesville), 
Stacy's Greenhouses (York), and RibbonWalk (Charlotte). Details are 
on the websites (addresses below).


BILL HILTON JR., "The Piedmont Naturalist"
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
1432 DeVinney Road
York, South Carolina 29745

e-mail: <hilton@hiltonpond.org>

Voice: (803) 684-5852

eFax: (503) 218-0845

Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is a 501(c)(3) 
non-profit research and education organization, so all in-kind or 
monetary gifts to Operation RubyThroat and the Center are 
tax-deductible. Please visit our websites:

Hilton Pond:  <http://www.hiltonpond.org>

Operation RubyThroat:  <http://www.rubythroat.org>

"Never trust a person too lazy to get up for sunrise or too busy to 
watch the sunset."

