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Avocets and Black Necked Stilts

Sam Moore and I birded Wayne County today, and while the Cliffs of the Neuse 
State Park and Cherry Hospital grounds were a big disappointment, we had 
better luck at the Goldsboro Sewage Lagoons.  On the East side of the road 
(the opposite side from the office and plant), the water level is low, 
exposing one of the dikes separating the lagoon into three parts.  It is like 
a long sandbar.  It was loaded with Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets, but more 
interesting, there were two or more American Avocets and two Black Necked 
Stilts.  There were also several small sandpipers which we could not ID 
because of the distance.  And beyond them, on some mud flats, were a large 
number of what we thought might be dowitchers, but we could not be sure.  
This was about 2:00 P.M.  I think Eric Dean and Gene Howe are going to check 
it out tomorrow morning (Saturday), so there will probably be a later posting 
from them.

Mark Simpson
Goldsboro, N. C.