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NCSU Dairy Ponds

Hello Carolina Birders,

Sometimes going birding can have unexpected results.  Sunday afternoon I
went to check the pond at the NCSU dairy research farm.  There wasn't
much bird activity, except for Canada Geese.  Driving in and out of the
farm I noticed a cow on the ground that looked a little odd.  I stopped
on the way out to look closer and realized the cow was in the process of
giving birth.  I hung out for about an hour and a half and watched the
calf being born.  Awesome!  There turned out to be another cow and calf
in another part of the field that had also recently given birth.  It was
a beautiful Sunday afternoon, with red-tailed and red-shouldered hawks
flying overhead as I witnessed this beautiful event!

Didn't think I could top that but came home to see a yellow-billed
cuckoo in the back yard.  With the nice weather, we kept the windows
opened overnight and was able to listen to great horned owls calling.

Good birding,

Connie Shertz
Lake Wheeler, Raleigh, NC