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Re: Birding on the Web, and Johnston Mill Preserve

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Buddy Garrett wrote:
> Anybody know why access to the above site is being denied. Screen says
> "FORBIDDEN" "you don't have permission to access this site from this
> server". Worked yesterday.

Buddy and Carolinabirders,

I assume you are talking about Jack Siler's website with all the listserv 
archives and such. He has constructed a new website, and perhaps now has 
deleted the original one. The address of his new site is 

If you mean some other internet birding resource (many have similar 
titles), then I apologize for the confusion.

I led the annual Duke Biology hike for first-year graduate students this 
morning to the Johnston Mill Preserve off Turkey Farm Road. Not many 
birds around quite yet, but one of my group - a German birder and 
exchange student named Frank Rheindt, also a recent Carolinabirds 
subscriber - spotted a migrant thrush (i.e. not a Wood), possibly a 
Veery. I was distracted and didn't get a decent look at the critter 
before it left. I heard American Redstart during the day, as well as the 
usual residents like Red-shouldered Hawk. The real excitement was among 
other groups of organisms, including my first-ever Three-lined 
Salamander, Gray Petaltail dragonfly, and the gorgeous and deadly 
(almost) Saddleback caterpillar...

Good birding,


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Zoology
