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Re: Ivory-bills

We also don't have access to Cuba where there is a possibility that there
are some survivors.  Anybody want to get together an expedition?  I'll
contact Fidel for the visas.


>>Paula Mangiafico wrote:
>>By the way, does anyone know if there have been any other claimed
>>sightings of Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers since the last ones I know about
>  There are unconfirmed sightings of Ivory-bills virtually every year, but
>of course few considered credible. Florida and Louisiana/Mississippi have
>been the sites of the most credible reports within the last 18 mos. and
>several search parties actively looked for the bird in the Ms./La area last
>yr. following a somewhat credible report (which is mentioned BTW in the
>you discuss Paula). Those searches will continue early next yr.
>  Moreover, Jerome Jackson, the US. current expert on Ivory-bills, has
>written emphatically that there is simply "no basis" for declaring the IBW
>extinct yet and is due to have his own book out at some point devoted to
>bird.  Many animal species in the past (including birds) have gone much
>longer than 50 yrs. between sightings, and been prematurely declared
>so keep up hope.
>   Oh, and Mary Scott runs a wonderful website on Ivory-bills through her
>www.birdingamerica.com internet site.
>**Rob Gluck     thrush@hotmail.com    Chapel Hill, NC.
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