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Re: Ivory-bills

Rob Gluck:

>bird.  Many animal species in the past (including birds) have gone much
>longer than 50 yrs. between sightings, and been prematurely declared extinct
>so keep up hope.

        Very true, but none have been rediscovered in an area so heavily
birded and after so much searching. No one would be more thrilled than I to
learn that the bird is still with us, but I fear that realistically there
is a less than a 0ne-in-a-million shot. And I say that as someone who spent
a week this spring in Louisiana checking on the latest report. I hope they
are out there and part of me hopes that they stay hidden if they are, but I
doubt the Ivory-bill survives.



I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
  - Douglas Adams

Rick Blom
4318 Cowan Place
Belcamp, Maryland 21017
Editor: BWD Skimmer