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HBSP on Sept.6

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, It was cloudy and gloomy with occasional light drizzle and no real
steady rain, SOOOO, Bob Maxwell and I did the carriage path, causeway and
crabbers dock at Huntington Beach S.P. in Georgetown County, SC. And we
actually saw a few patches of blue sky and a brief glimpse of a large
orange orb in the sky.  When in the open areas there was a brisk wind from
the north.  I had hopes of seeing some falcons but the only hawk was
Osprey.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be only partly cloudy so that means we
will probably see-Dare I say it-the SUN.
Only 24 id'd species as follows:
Pied-billed Grebe-1
Great Egret-8
Snowy Egret-4
Glossy Ibis-9
Wood Stork-7
duck sp-4 in flight-trees got in the way
Clapper Rail-3 heard only
Black-bellied Plover-15
Semipalmated Plover-12
peep sp-25
Short-billed Dowitcher-10
Laughing Gull-5
Ring-billed Gull-3
tern sp-4
Mourning Dove-4
Ruby-throated Hummingbird-1
Red-bellied Woodpecker-1 heard only
E. Kingbird-6
swallow sp-8
Blue Jay-3
crow sp-2
N. Mockingbird-2
White-eyed Vireo-3
Red-eyed Vireo-6
Black and White Warbler-2
Am. Redstart-3
N. Cardinal-7
Red-winged Blackbird-1

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC