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Soaring Great Blue Herons

Jeff Lewis asks whether anyone else has seen soaring flocks of Great
Blue Herons.  It wasn't a flock, but I posted this note on 28 March

This morning while walking in Umstead State Park, I saw a black speck
soaring high overhead, near the limit of vision.  It looked every bit
like a distant Turkey Vulture and I had no reason to think otherwise,
but checked it out with binoculars anyway.  I was astonished to discover
that it was a Great Blue Heron!  It continued to soar and circle on set
wings for the minute or two that it took to pass out of sight.  I think
I have a dim recollection of seeing soaring Great Egrets, but I can't
recall ever seeing a Great Blue doing it before.

Kent Fiala
Raleigh NC