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Tibwin Plantation Fallout??!!

I covered Tibwin plantation this morning and saw movements of passerine
birds reminiscent of a day in the mountains.I won't post everything, because
I think I got almost 100 species (in about 2 hours).  The mosquitoes were
horrendous, but the birds were so good that I just kept walking through

Between 6:30 and 7:30 many different waves of birds were passing overhead
between the parking lot and the open area with the house.  I really couldn't
ID the birds until I got good light, so half of the birds I saw were just
silouettes.  When I first got enough light to see what was moving around, I
quickly realized that most of the birds were migrants.
Throughout the day I would get sporadic groups of migrants, but nothing like
what I saw during that 1 hour stretch.

Some unofficial results:
18 species of warblers!- most of the residents plus BLUE WINGED, TENNESSEE,
have been other species present, but I couldn't get positive IDs on the
birds because there were SO MANY of them.  I saw birds that could have been
additional species (possible Golden Winged and Bay Breasted) but they were
moving too fast.
There were relatively few thrushes (1 Wood, 1 ??)
A couple of Scarlet Tanagers
One RB Grosbeak for sure (could have been more)
5 Northern Orioles

I wonder if anyone else in coastal SC saw the same phenomenon.  Maybe we'll
have similar conditions for good passerine movement tomorrow.

Mike Bernard