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Lark Sparrow and Other Landbirds at Cape Lookout, NC

Five of us birded Cape Lookout, NC, on 16 September.

We had a good time--good numbers of migrants with a nice variety.

Our best birds were a Lark Sparrow at the old coast guard station,  and 1
Philadelphia Vireo, 2 Tennessee Warblers, and 2 Blackburnian Warblers in the
shrub thickets near the lighthouse and near the old coast guard station.
Numerous Eastern Kingbirds, Baltimore Orioles, and Bobolinks.

We had 14 species of warblers at Cape Lookout, and later in the afternoon
added 2 other warbler species on Harkers Island (1 a Bay-breasted).

By the way, the grounds of the new waterfowl decoy museum at Harkers Island
(near the Park Service headquarters) will probably become a good place to
check for landbird migrants in the future.

                                          John Fussell
                                          Morehead City, NC