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Heads up everybody! At 11;15 AM today (9/20) an adult Northern Goshawk glided 
over our back yard, on light northwesterly winds, headed almost due South. 
The bird was about 50 - 80 feet abiove the tree line (@ 50'), and the 
gray-white-gray pattern was clearly visible to the naked eye. The stout, 
semi-rounded shape of the wings eliminated a male Northern harrier, even in a 
glide, and the bird was larger, heavier bodied and headed than any harrier. 
Coloration and size eliminated Cooper's. This is awfully early for a Goshawk 
this far South (I believe there is only one accepted SC record, no photo or 
specimen), but keep your eyes open, we are due for a Goshawk year!

Pete Worthington, Simpsonville, SC