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Philadelphia Vireos

	We had a small wave of migrants last night on Roanoke Island and I had 2
Philadelphia Vireos. These birds should not be too difficult to relocate. If
anyone is headed this way and needs Philadelphia Vireo they can get up with
me at the Elizabethan gardens on Roanoke Island. One bird was on Fort
Raleigh property near the gardens and the other was in the shrubs on the
"dike" at the north end of the island by the bridge. Both birds were almost
totally yellow underneath. Also had a few warblers and a Red-headed
Woodpecker (which does not breed here).
	Also, if anyone comes down here and finds a Mourning Warbler or Connecticut
Warbler, please let me know. They (and Kirtland's) are the only eastern
warblers I don't have this year in the state. Of course, it's probably too
late for Mourning Warbler, anyway.
	Thanks and good birding!
		Jeff Lewis