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NAMC-Georgetown Cty, SC-9-16

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Eight birders participated in the NAMC count for Georgetown County, SC.
There were in effect three parties: at Huntington Beach S.P. were Gary
Phillips and myself with part time help from Paul Rogers, Renee Lamm and
Murray Honick; at South Litchfield were Bob and Barbara Maxwell and working
solo in western parts of the county, the Plantersville Area, a Georgetown
city park and the ferry terminal to South Island was David Donmoyer. David
aptly described the weather for all parties as "perfecto" moderate breezes
from the north and pleasant dry temperatures.  The results bore out the
excellent conditions -114 species.
	Anecdotal highlights were frequent. Gary Phillips standing in my doorway
in Conway before dawn with a first year female Prairie Warbler in hand.  He
had just picked it up. The warbler was confused as to how to get out of the
alcove area of the house front entrance.  David graphicly described how he
observed the Louisiana Waterthrush directly overhead, "It pooped on my
hat". Bob Maxwell said he couldn't believe the number of ground doves in
the fast disappearing dune habitat in S. Litchfield. And I guess the
highlight for Gary and I were  the warblers hiding in a cedar in the dunes
behind the jetty pond: 4 Palm Warblers, 1 Common Yellowthroat, 1 yellow
Warbler and a possible Kentucky Warbler.
	Hits and misses were: only one duck which was unidentifiable to species,
no eagle at Huntington, the small numbers of shorebirds at Huntington and
the three Rock Doves flying by the causeway were certainly not a common
sight, the good numbers of hummers at Huntington, the Swainson's Thrush
just across the road from the fee booth at Huntington, the 13 species of
warbler found in the county  with only one pine warbler being found. And
where did all the Crows and blackbirds go!
	The numbers after the species are in order HBSP-S.Litchfield-southern and
western Georgetown County.

Pied-billed Grebe-3-0-0
Brown Pelican-3-0-0 very low 
Double-crested Cormorant-131-71-0 most in overhead migrating flocks
Great Blue Heron-3-0-0
Great Egret-11-6-8
Snowy Egret-14-0-0
Little Blue Heron-1-0-1
Tricolored Heron-8-0-0
Green Heron-0-1-0 Where did they go? I guess that's why its a migration count
Black-crowned Hight-Heron-1-0-0
White Ibis-54-36-0
Glossy Ibis-1-0-0
Wood Stork-19-0-0
Duck sp-1-0-0 I just caught a glimpse of a duck landing in the cattails.
Turkey Vulture-1-0-6 No Black Vulture.For some reason they are scarse on
both the Spring and Fall counts here.
Bald Eagle 0-0-1 adult at the South Island ferry terminal
N. Harrier-1-0-0
Sharp-shinned Hawk-0-0-1 It captured and dispatched a young redwing right
in front of David. I hope David counted the Red-wing.
Cooper's Hawk-1-0-0 Murray and Renee had this one and a merlin and kestrel
being mobbed by jays.
Red-shouldered Hawk-0-0-2
Red-tailed Hawk-0-0-2
Buteo sp-0-1-0
Am. Kestrel-1-0-2
Wild Turkey-0-0-5
N. Bobwhite-0-0-10
Clapper Rail-4-2-0
Common Moorhen-1-0-0 
Black-bellied Plover-19-9-0
Semipalmated Plover-7-0-0 low number
Piping Plover-10-0-0 Piping outnumbered Semipals-amazing
Am. Oystercatcher-6-0-0
Greater Yellowlegs-2-0-0
Lesser Yellowlegs-1-0-0
Willet-5-1-0 low
Spotted Sandpiper-1-0-0 low
Marbled Godwit-1-0-0 while standing on the jetty this one passed Gary and I
Ruddy Turnstone-13-0-0
Least Sandpiper-2-0-0
peep sp-4-0-0 such a small number of these black legged guys. Just couldn't
find a prime looking western
Short-billed Dowitcher-4-0-0 a really low number-I guess the cold front
blew them through and out.
Laughing Gull-8-7-0 low
Ring-billed Gull-9-5-25
Herring Gull-2-0-0 low
Caspian Tern-3-18-0
Royal Tern-7-1-3 low
Sandwich Tern-1-5-0
Common Tern-1-0-0 flying an obvious immature mid-size Tern showing a strong
carpal bar
Forster's Tern-2-0-0
Black Skimmer-4-0-0
Rock Dove-3-0-0
Mourning Dove-8-16-20
Common Ground-Dove-1-36-0 a very high number
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-1-0-0
E. Screech Owl-0-0-3 heard by David at dawn near his farm in W. Georgetown
Barred Owl-0-0-2
Whip-poor-will-0-0-1 Where did the Chimney Swifts go?
Archilochus sp-4-0-0 These guys never perched where Gary and I could study
Belted Kingfisher-1-1-1
Red-headed Woodpecker-0-0-1
Red-bellied Woodpecker-3-0-5
Downy Woodpecker-2-0-6
Hairy Woodpecker-0-0-1
N. Flicker-0-0-1
Pileated Woodpecker-0-0-2
E. Phoebe-0-0-1
E. Kingbird-4-0-0
Purple Martin-24-0-0
Tree Swallow-40-300-0
N. Rough-winged Swallow-1-0-0 Murray and Renee found this one and the
following bird in with a flock or Trees and Barns.
Bank Swallow-1-0-0
Barn Swallow-20-0-0
Blue Jay-18-2-10
Am. Crow-0-0-25
Fish Crow-2-0-0
Crow sp.-1-0-0
Carolina Chickadee-3-0-15
Tufted Titmouse-3-0-15
White-breasted Nuthatch-0-0-2
Carolina Wren-1-0-4
House Wren-1-0-1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-1-0-0 a surprise to me a bit on the early side
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-2-0-2
E. Bluebird-0-0-20
Swainson's Thrush-1-0-0 one of our first birds, a county bird for me and a
lifer for Gary.
Gray Catbird-3-0-0
N. Mockingbird-7-12-5
Brown Thrasher-5-0-2
Loggerhead Shrike-1-0-0 Paul's find at the north parking lot at HB
European Starling 8-14-10
White-eyed Vireo-16-0-4
Blue-headed Vireo-2-0-0
Red-eyed Vireo-3-0-1 So few!
Orange-crowned Warbler-0-0-2 together in Morgan Park in Georgetown. Early
Yellow Warbler-3-0-0
Magnolia Warbler-2-0-0
Black-throated Green Warbler-1-0-0 a good find by Murray and Renee
Pine Warbler-0-0-1 We didn't see or hear one a Huntington!
Prairie Warbler-0-0-1
Palm Warbler-13-2-0 The birds at Huntington were in the low vegetation
behind the jetty pond.  We hoped to have some Savannahs here but only Palms
Black and White Warbler-1-0-0 seems low
Am. Redstart-7-0-8
N. Waterthrush-1-0-0 I heard it & Gary had a good look
L. Waterthrush-0-0-1 The bird that decorated David's hat.  I really don't
think David should wash the hat.
Common Yellowthroat-6-0-3
Hooded Warbler-1-0-0 a nice adult male
N. Cardinal-23-5-9
E. Towhee-2-0-0 very low numbers
Red-winged Blackbird-6-1-30
Boat-tailed Grackle-4-8-2
Common Grackle-2-0-0 very low
House Finch-0-9-0
House Sparrow-0-8-0

I'm inspired to maybe try a big day with similar good weather. On the other
hand reading how exhausting these can be maybe I'll leave that for younger

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC