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Another busy yard day

Yesterday was busy in the yard again, no Canada spotted, but lots of birds:
Morning started out with a group of birds chasing other birds around, turned 
out to be the Thrushes (Wood and Swainson's) ganging up on an imm. or female 
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, they didn't want it in THEIR Dogwoods!   Was hard to 
decide who to root for.

 Birds seen:
Baltimore Orioles- Imm. and Female
Scarlet Tanangers - lots-males, females, imm.
Summer Tanager- one female
Rose-breasted Grosbeak(s)
Thrushes- Wood and Swainson's -quite a few  @6 + 3- guessing, saw a paler one 
                                                      could have been 
Gray-cheeked, but was too short 
                                                      a look  :-(
Brown Thrasher
Eastern Wood Peewee-  been seen for a number of days now
American Redstart- male
Magnolias- beautiful and bright
Black and whites-   I was looking out 2nd floor window, down at one of the 
B&W's         skirting along the roof below, looking in the gutters, got 
great short distance views of it's underside as it would tip it's head into 
the gutter, also saw toes were yellow underneath, after looking in Dunn's 
"Warbler's", actually can see a little yellow on imm. toes and maybe spring 
adult male.

Also seem to have a lot of Mourning Doves right now, maybe about 25-30.

Shelley Theye   

Shelley Theye
North Chatham County, NC