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Shepherd NT, Durham 10/3

This morning at the Shepherd Nature Trail
in Durham's Duke Forest:

yellow-billed cuckoo - 1
red-shouldered hawk - 1
eastern pewee - 1
empidonax spp. - 2
brown thrasher - 5 (family group it seemed)
scarlet tanager - 3
black-thr. blue warbler - 1
chestnut-sided warbler - 1
gray-cheeked thrush - 1

chimney swifts still in abundance,too

also, the strangest thing happened - at
least a dozen birds (chickadees, woodpeckers
warblers, a thrush and a scarlet tanager)
were all very intently and loudly foraging
within 5 feet above a particular spot on
the ground. i thought they were mobbing a
snake or something at first but i couldn't
locate one. they all seemed to be feeding 
quite efficiently while they were there,
so maybe just a glut of insects?

Jason Sircely
Wake Forest, NC