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Sibley at Sam's Club

Since this message was sent ealier today, it appears that the orange/rust
colors may be on books from any source.
Carol Schumacher  

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 12:28:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: Carol Schumacher <wncarols@linux.winona.msus.edu>
To: mnbird <mnbird@linux.winona.msus.edu>
Subject: MnBird: Sam's Sibley

The Sibley guide at Sam's was a deal at $22 so I bought two..one for the 
car and one for home.  Thanks for the tip.

I've spent very little time with it but did notice that the plates with
orange colors don't look so hot.  With no $35 copy to compare, it's hard
to know if that problem is specific to Sam's version or if all are that
way.   This may only be a problem with someone not as familiar or someone
looking for a concrete perfect painting. I was going to give one as a gift
to a beginner birder but may wait till the verdict is in.  

The bird plates are about the size and layout of traditional British field
guides depicting smaller versions of every plumage.  Very nice.  The ducks
look a bit stiff and decoy-like to my eye but that's a minor detail. 
Overall vorth every dime even with the rust/orange colors. David is an
gifted artist and this guide is a must.  He's offered us a truly
magnificent learning tool!  Carol

     - wncarols@linux.winona.msus.edu - Winona,MN on the Mississippi River
                             (c)Carol Schumacher, 2000             
     To see MnBird  messages...http://linux.winona.msus.edu/mnbird/digest/
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