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Re: A few warblers still around Durham

Speaking of remaining warblers at Shepard Trail in
Durham, I was there about 4:30 down by the stream
watching chipmunks gathering food when I saw some
movement on a log. All I could see was a green/olive
back and shortish tail of a bird as it walked
(emphasis on walked) down the log. When a chipmunk
came near, the bird picked up his head and showed me a
lovely gray hood with an eye ring you could see from
orbit. A Connecticut Warbler! He of course flew off
immediately but I had had a great close look at him.
Considering I was just hoping for a bay-breasted
(which have eluded me this year) on this trip my day
was made.
I have actually had very good Connecticut luck having
seen 3 (two fall, one spring) in the triangle in the
last 5 years. It just goes to show that it pays to
leave work early.
Bruce Young
Durham, NC

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