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Outer Banks birds

	Birded Pea Island coast guard station this morning for an hour and a half
before work. LOTS of birds in the air. We apparently had a really good
flight last night on the NNW winds. In addition to hundreds of Palm and
Myrtle warblers, also Cedar Waxwings, Robins, Kinglets, Tree Swallows,
Bobolinks (only a few), Juncos, White throated, Swamp, and Savannah
Sparrows. Single birds seen were DICKCISSEL, Prairie and Magnolia Warbler,
Peregrine Falcon, Baltimore Oriole, Indigo Bunting and Winter Wren.
	Got to work (at the gardens) and added Black-throated Blue Warbler (2),
Redstart, Scarlet Tanager, another oriole, and a Blue-headed Vireo. Lots of
birds in the air here, too!
	There is some real potential for something rare here the next few days!
Come on down!
		Jeff Lewis
		Manteo, NC