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Outer banks birds

	Birded Pea Island Saturday and Sunday morning. Had lots of birds. Saturday
morning in particular saw a large flight at the coast guard station - tons
of palms and myrtles, robins, flickers, etc. Birds were still streaming by
(headed north) at 11:00. Also had one Grasshopper Sparrow, one Vesper
Sparrow, four White-crowned Sparrows (9 sparrow species in all). Also 10
Bobolinks, Cedar Waxwings, Juncos, a Prairie Warbler, a Blackpoll...lots of
stuff! Also had a confusing trio of orioles. They were a little distant but
one looked slightly larger than the other two, (but it may not have been).
I'm pretty sure it was an immature Baltimore Oriole. The other two are the
ones that confuse me. In addition to (possibly) being slightly smaller than
the first, they were not as orange. In addition, at least one of the two had
a dark throat. All this seems to point to them being Orchard Orioles but
it's much too late for Orchards. Also, Orchards are not supposed to have
black throats in October (almost November, even). None of these birds had
the extra wide wing bar of a Bullock's. These birds would have been easy to
ID  with a closer look I suppose, but as we (I was birding with Lee Yoder)
approached them, we were distracted by a Grasshopper Sparrow. When we tried
to relocate the orioles, they were gone. Alas.
	Also had two Ross' Geese and 8 Fulvous Whistling Ducks! Not a bad weekend.
	Jeff Lewis